Thistle Counselling in Edinburgh

Data Protection & Note Keeping

I will have any emails between us saved electronically, and password-protected.
The handwritten notes I take after our sessions are brief bullet points, these are kept in a locked cabinet. These notes are not secret from you in any way, and if you would to see them, just ask. We can arrange an appointment to do that.
All notes are kept for a period of five years from the date of the last session. After this time they are destroyed by shredding.

Under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have a right of access to all notes kept on you.
Details of case notes are exempt from disclosure to third parties under Freedom of Information legislation.

Under GDPR, you also have a right to ask for your information to be erased. However, due to my legal obligation to retain information for five years in the event of legal claims, it is unlikely to apply in this situation. If you would like to discuss this with me, please get in touch.

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